Capstone Project, M.S. Strategic Design and Management, Parson’s School of Design.
My master's capstone project focused on the flow of resources through the arts in Houston. Conducting research into the exchange of resources between local artists and arts organizations, I addressed the question:
“How might Houston’s arts organizations and local artist communities come together to create a more sustainable arts economy for all those participating in it?”
My methodology centered in design research. This included a literature review covering contemporary arts economies; landscape mapping of Houston’s cultural ecosystem; and survey of and interviews with artists and creative workers.
My final project was a prototype of a physical space. Dedicated to supporting a community of practice in Houston, I co-designed this space to bring together resources for creatives across different genres of practice and engaged in different structures of the artistic economy.
Master’s Degree Student
Dozens of artists and colleagues across Houston, as well as my instructors and classmates through Parson’s.