
Working in museums and teams across the country, I support artists, creatives, and community in the design, production, and installation of multidisciplinary exhibits. From solo art shows to natural history and culture focus.

Rare Air: Connecting with Species of Flight,
Burke Museum, Seattle
Widen the Frame,
Burke Museum, Seattle

Words Find their Home in Silence
, Box13, Houston

Artists on Site Series 3, Asia Society Texas, Houston
Making Home: Artists and Immigration, Asia Society Texas, Houston
Divine Spark, Kana Harada, Asia Society Texas, Houston

Artists on Site Series 2, Asia Society Texas, Houston
The Mountain that Does not Describe a Circle: Works by Hong Hong, Asia Society
Texas, Houston
Shahidul Alam, Truth to Power, Asia Society Texas, Houston

Artists on Site, Asia Society Texas, Houston
Joss: Works by Joseph Havel
, Asia Society Texas, Houston

Public Beta, NEW INC, New York

  • Exhibits Project Lead
    Exhibit Manager and Registrar
    Event Producer

  • Organizing exhibitions from beginning to end, I collaborate with cross-functional teams and external stakeholders to realize each unique artistic vision, helping artists to connect to their audiences in new ways.

  • Many colleagues, community, and artistic collaborators at Asia Society Texas, Box13, Burke Museum and NEW INC

    Images: Nash Baker, Kaitlyn Ellison, and unknown.